Barry Mill Bridge: 
This bridge built for the National Trust for Scotland, at their beautiful Barry Mill property near Carnoustie, was designed to fit in with the pre-industrial, agricultural character of the site but with a curvy arched style.
It had to be able to support regular traffic from small garden tractors and wedding parties wanting a picturesque photo location, but also to be buildable in a very restricted and inaccessible location. This meant that spanning the 7.5 metres with single curved beams was going to be impossible, so we had to create what are essentially trusses on each side of the bridge, very similar in concept to king-post trusses (see frame types page).
This also meant that  we could assemble half the bridge on the narrow west bank of the Barry burn and lift it across using an A frame, adding the rest of it as we went along.
The design was by J Rose Carpentry and the timber, Scottish oak and larch, was supplied by Scottish Wood.